Jessica Wimmer, Author at Go Fish Digital Wed, 06 Sep 2023 12:51:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jessica Wimmer, Author at Go Fish Digital 32 32 5 Benefits of Having a Copywriter Wed, 06 Sep 2023 12:50:15 +0000 If you’ve never worked with a professional copywriter, the role does just that: writes copy. A copywriter specializes in putting the right words together in the right way to be featured in the right places so the right people see them. Their work is often the first impression your business makes on your audience and […]

5 Benefits of Having a Copywriter is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

If you’ve never worked with a professional copywriter, the role does just that: writes copy. A copywriter specializes in putting the right words together in the right way to be featured in the right places so the right people see them. Their work is often the first impression your business makes on your audience and can be what draws people in. 

Enlisting a copywriter can prove invaluable to a business, particularly if you’re launching a new website, refreshing your existing one, or if you’re in need of some marketing materials or want to run a new campaign. 

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What Are The Benefits Of A Copywriter?

There are five main benefits of having a copywriter for your business:

  1. A copywriter can help establish your brand voice
  2. They can help you improve your SEO
  3. Copywriters understand different content types
  4. A copywriter provides content for the end-user
  5. Copywriters help you look professional

Curious how a copywriter could improve your business? Here are five ways working with a copywriting specialist can help.

1. A Copywriter Can Help You Find Your Brand Voice

Your brand’s voice can make or break your business’s success. Think about brands you’re drawn to — their commercials, their print ads, etc. There’s a style there that appeals to you, and it likely has a lot to do with brand voice. A brand voice can be witty or friendly or silly or formal or no-nonsense or any style appropriate to your business. 

A writing voice consists of:

  • Your style, such as words you do or don’t use
  • The way you structure your sentences
  • Your personality

Your writing voice is a big component of what your audience will associate with your business, and a copywriter is skilled in helping determine what brand voice is right for your business and implementing it across whatever copy you need. 

2. They Can Help You Rank Higher on Search Engines

A copywriter with SEO knowledge can help improve your website’s ranking position on search engines like Google and Bing. An SEO copywriter understands things like keywords, web crawlers, link building, and more, and can write or refresh your website copy to help it perform better when evaluated by search engines. The more SEO-friendly your copy, the higher your website will rank in search engine results and the more people will see it. 

3. Copywriters Understand Different Content Types

Most copywriters have a wealth of writing experience. Web copy, ads, video scripts, brochures, flyers, whitepapers, one-sheets, blog posts — they’ve likely done it all. A copywriter understands the different nuances of each content type, including how to format it, how it should read, who the target audience is, and what action the audience should take after reading. A copywriter knows how to make the most of each content type and can easily switch gears between them, so when you ask, “Can I get a…” they can often turn it around for you pretty quickly. 

4. A Copywriter Provides Perspective

When you run a business, you know everything about it. It’s your thing. While this is great, it can also cause you to be so close to the business that you have a hard time looking at it the way a customer would. You may forget that those aspects of your business you know by heart are brand new to your customers, or that they need an explanation for that term you keep using. 

A copywriter is always thinking about the end-user. Who’s going to read the copy? What do they need and want to know from it? How can you best present it so it will attract and retain the right people? A good copywriter has these things in mind and can navigate them from a fresh, objective perspective. 

5. Copywriters Help You Look Professional

If you’re someone who’s insecure about where that comma goes or doesn’t have time to proofread, a copywriter can be your best ally. Writers have the skill to polish copy so that things like grammar, punctuation, and spelling are both correct and consistent across all copy. 

These things matter when it comes to presenting your business as trustworthy. A business that puts out an ad or landing page with a typo or poorly written sentence runs the risk of looking unprofessional and losing credibility. Having a copywriter’s eye on things ensures your best foot will always be put forward. 

And if all that wasn’t enough, here’s a bonus: Enlisting the expertise of a copywriter means you can focus on other parts of your business. Instead of sitting at your desk trying to find the right words for that web page or wondering if all your commas are in the right place, you can spend your time on the aspects of your work you really want and need to focus on and let a professional copywriter handle what they do best: making you look good and drawing people to your business. 

Think you could benefit from professional copywriting services? Give us a call! Our Go Fish Digital copywriters are ready to help.


5 Benefits of Having a Copywriter is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

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8 Email Copywriting Tips for Marketing Campaigns Fri, 25 Mar 2022 13:00:48 +0000 Has it come time in your company’s journey to craft some marketing emails? Got a list full of leads but are now staring at a blank screen and hearing crickets? Our email marketing agency can help. Here are eight tips for email copywriting to make your next marketing campaign a success.  1. Be Clear on […]

8 Email Copywriting Tips for Marketing Campaigns is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

Has it come time in your company’s journey to craft some marketing emails? Got a list full of leads but are now staring at a blank screen and hearing crickets? Our email marketing agency can help. Here are eight tips for email copywriting to make your next marketing campaign a success. 

1. Be Clear on Who You’re Writing To

Remember, you’re not writing just to write. You’re not even writing to promote your product or service. You’re writing to reach someone. There’s a reader on the other end of that email you send who will (hopefully) open it and make a decision about whether or not it was valuable for them. Write to that person. This is the foundation of email copywriting. 

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To do that, you’ll need to do some research. As much as you can, try to understand what your recipient’s day is like, the many hats they wear, their lifestyle, their desires, their challenges. How will your product/service/expertise make their life/job/whatever it may be happier, healthier, more profitable, more productive, etc.? By knowing these things about your eventual reader, you can write to how what you’re offering is directly valuable to them. 

Another tip on knowing your audience: Be clear on which part of the sales funnel you’re speaking to. Are you reaching out cold? Cold email copywriting requires you to introduce your brand and provide some context for who you are and why you’re contacting them. If the recipient is more toward the bottom of the sales funnel and has already interacted with your company in some way, your emails can focus more on specific value statements and include hard data and testimonials to urge your reader to convert.

2. Make the Most of Your Subject Lines

Without a convincing subject line, it doesn’t actually matter what your email says. No one will see it if the subject line doesn’t inspire someone to open the email. A subject line is not a throw-away email component. It’s actually critical. In just a few words, you need to hook the reader enough to get that click. To do that, you want to appeal to both their logical mind and their emotions. A subject line should give enough information for a recipient to have at least some idea what this email is about, while also connecting with them emotionally, such as hinting at a fun opportunity or a chance to win a contest. 

Not all email platforms give you the option to include preview text with your emails, but if yours does, use it to your advantage. Preview text is what’s displayed after the subject line when viewing from the inbox. It’s another sentence or two that gives you the opportunity to entice your reader to open by letting the reader know what’s in it for them if they click. 

Tip: Keep your subject lines and preview text short. You can view roughly 40 characters on most mobile devices and up to 90 on desktops. 

3. Get to the Point…Fast

Okay, you’ve gotten someone to open your email. Don’t let them slip off the hook by writing a novel no one wants to sit and read. Your recipient has a busy life. They could be walking to a meeting at work, about to head out to pick up the kids, or waiting on their Starbucks order while running errands. Whatever they’re doing, they’re not likely in a position to give your email a ton of time and attention. That’s why you want to get to your point quickly. 

Don’t wax poetically for several sentences before you get to the reason you’re emailing. Don’t even do it for one sentence actually. Your email should include only the essentials you need to convey to your reader, padded with some charming but succinct context. As much as possible, keep your email under 200 words.

4. Personalize Your Emails

This is a big one when it comes to email marketing best practices. While you may be sending this same email copy to hundreds or even thousands of people, you don’t want your recipient to feel like that. An email that feels like a mass, blanketed communication will make your reader feel lost in the shuffle. 

To get their attention, connect. Personalize your copy to include their name, the name of their company if that’s relevant, and how what you’re offering solves their specific challenges. If you’re emailing a warmer prospect, include references to former interactions, like what you discussed on your last call or asking what they thought about that conference you spoke with them at. Make them feel seen so your communication feels more intimate and person-to-person.

5. Keep It Scannable

Again, your reader is pressed for time, so format your email to be easily digested. Email copywriting is all about saying a lot in few words. In addition to keeping it under 200 words as often as you can, break up your text so it’s easy on the eyes and can be quickly scanned. No text walls. No long, rambling sentences. Keep paragraphs to three or four sentences at most, and use bullet points to highlight important information.

6. Be Helpful

This one is often overlooked when it comes to advice on how to write marketing emails, but your emails shouldn’t be one-sided. You’re writing this email because you want the reader to do something. If you want something from them, you need to offer something in return. Make value the focus of your email. Yes, you’re here to give a sales pitch, but that doesn’t mean the email should be all about you. The best way to turn a prospect into a customer is by showing how you can help them. Speak to their needs, provide links to helpful resources, include instructional images or videos, or point them to something relevant they might enjoy or find useful. 

7. Don’t Be a Cliché

Gone are the days of selling your product or service with pushy, in-your-face tactics. You’re not a car salesman from the 90s or a late-night infomercial that wakes you up by loudly proclaiming about your offer. You can be persuasive without being aggressive. Consider how you would want to be pitched if the tables were turned, and make your case respectfully. 

And if they don’t take the bait after a few emails or choose to opt out of your campaign, leave them alone. You don’t want your campaign to get flagged as spammy or not meeting email platforms’ rules about crossing inbox boundaries.

8. Sound Like a Human

Lastly, write in a way that’s conversational and approachable. Even if you’re writing business to business, you can be professional without being robotic or overly dignified. You’re simply a human talking to another human about how you have something that can fill a need or solve a problem for them. Be polite, professional, and sincere. Throw in an appropriate joke or share a brief personal anecdote where relevant. Imagine if they were sitting in front of you. Write to them how you would speak face to face, human to human. 


Here’s a bonus tip to add to your email marketing best practices: Proofread. Once you have your emails written, give them a read-through to make sure there aren’t any errors that could make you or your company look uncredible. You may not get many chances to get in front of your recipients, so put your best foot forward with every email you send. 

Still feel a little ill-equipped when it comes to email copywriting? Go Fish Digital has a skilled team of copywriters that can write your email marketing campaign for you, as well as manage the project from beginning to end. Make your life easier (and increase your chances of converting prospects) by checking out our email marketing services today.


8 Email Copywriting Tips for Marketing Campaigns is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

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