CRO Archives - Go Fish Digital Wed, 24 Jan 2024 18:10:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 CRO Archives - Go Fish Digital 32 32 10 CRO Best Practices for Your Website Tue, 25 Apr 2023 19:42:33 +0000 Are you a website owner looking to improve the effectiveness of your online presence? Are you having success with attracting site visitors, but still can’t seem to increase your ROI? If so, then you may need conversion rate optimization services.  But what exactly is CRO, and why should you care about it? Related Content: Website […]

10 CRO Best Practices for Your Website is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

Are you a website owner looking to improve the effectiveness of your online presence? Are you having success with attracting site visitors, but still can’t seem to increase your ROI? If so, then you may need conversion rate optimization services

But what exactly is CRO, and why should you care about it?

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In simple terms, CRO is the process of optimizing your website or landing page to improve the percentage of visitors who take a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. You could have all the traffic in the world coming to your website, but if none of those visitors are converting into customers, then what’s the point? By focusing on CRO, you can ensure that your website is not only attracting visitors, but also guiding them towards taking the actions you want them to take.

In this blog, we’ll dive deeper into the world of CRO, exploring best practices to help you optimize your website for maximum conversions. So buckle up, and get ready to increase your bottom-line!

What is CRO?

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of increasing the percentage of website visitors who take a desired action, such as making a purchase, filling out a form, or signing up for a newsletter. It involves analyzing and understanding customer behavior, testing different elements of the website, and making changes to improve the user experience and increase the likelihood of conversion. 

CRO is an ongoing process that involves continuous monitoring and analyzing website performance and making adjustments as needed to improve conversion rates. The ultimate goal of CRO is to turn more website visitors into customers or leads by making the website as effective and user-friendly as possible.

Why Should You Care About CRO?

There are several reasons why businesses should care about CRO. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Increased revenue: By optimizing the website for conversions, businesses can increase the percentage of visitors who take a desired action, resulting in more sales and revenue.
  • Better ROI: CRO allows your business to get more value out of your existing traffic by converting more visitors into customers. This can result in a better return on investment for marketing and advertising efforts.
  • Improved user experience: CRO involves analyzing and understanding customer behavior and making changes to improve the user experience. This can lead to a more enjoyable experience for website visitors and increased customer satisfaction.
  • Better customer insights: With CRO, you can gain a deeper understanding of your customers and their behavior on the website. This can provide valuable insights that can be used to improve marketing strategies and product offerings.
  • Cost-effective: CRO allows businesses to improve website performance and conversions without the need for significant increases in traffic. This can be more cost-effective than other forms of marketing and advertising.
  • Competitive advantage: By optimizing their website for conversions, businesses can gain a competitive advantage over others in their industry. A website that is easy to use and effective at converting visitors into customers can give businesses an edge over their competition.

Overall, CRO is a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes and industries, as it can help increase revenue, improve user experience, and provide valuable customer insights. By focusing on CRO best practices, your business can improve it’s website’s performance, and ultimately increase your bottom line.

How Are CRO and SEO Related?

Here at Go Fish Digital, we’re all about Search Engine Optimization. But how does CRO relate to SEO? Well, CRO and SEO are related in that they both aim to improve the performance of a website and drive more conversions. However, they focus on different aspects of website optimization.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results and drive more organic traffic. SEO involves optimizing website content, technical elements, and backlinks to make the site more attractive to search engines and improve its visibility in search results.

CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization), on the other hand, focuses on optimizing the website’s design, user experience, and messaging to increase the percentage of visitors who take a desired action. It involves testing different elements of the website, such as headlines, calls-to-action, and layout, and making changes to improve the user experience and increase the likelihood of conversion. CRO focuses on all users, rather than solely organic traffic. 

While SEO and CRO are distinct practices, they both play important roles in driving website performance and conversions. A well-optimized site for SEO can bring a lot of visitors, but a poorly designed or not very user-friendly site will not convert them into customers. A good balance and integration of both practices can improve the website’s overall performance, driving more traffic and converting more visitors into customers.

What Are CRO Best Practices? 

The best practices for CRO are to:

  1. Make sure your website has a clear value proposition
  2. Use a clear and simple design that is easy to navigate
  3. Use persuasive and compelling language throughout the site
  4. Use social proof, such as customer testimonials and trust badges
  5. Make sure the website loads quickly and is optimized for all devices
  6. Use A/B testing to constantly improve your website’s design and messaging
  7. Use clear and prominent calls-to-action (CTAs) throughout the site
  8. Make sure the checkout process is as simple and seamless as possible
  9. Use retargeting to bring back visitors who have abandoned their carts
  10. Continuously analyze and track your website’s performance using tools like Google Analytics

Now that we’ve nailed the importance of conversion rate optimization, here are some general CRO best practices that you can use to increase conversions on your website. Depending on the type of site and your conversion goals, there are variations of these best practices that may better fit your needs. For example, improving your CRO for an e-commerce site will look different than optimizing for conversions on a lead-generation site. However, following these steps will put you well on your way to increasing user experience and conversions through your website! 

1. Make sure your website has a clear and compelling value proposition and display this on your primary landing page.

The first CRO best practice involves in your landing pages. Your landing page is the first and foremost element on your site, meaning that it could determine the success of your brand. The first 3-5 seconds of a user’s journey on your site is crucial to turning them into a converting customer – if they can immediately determine the brand’s offerings and an actionable next step, your potential conversion rate will increase significantly. Be sure to follow these guidelines: 

  • Identify the unique value that your product or service offers to customers.
  • Use this value proposition on the homepage and within the headlines throughout the site.
  • Test different versions of your value proposition to see which one resonates most with your audience.

Upon landing on Khan Academy’s homepage, users can determine exactly what their services include and who their primary audience is: 

Khan Academy landing page

Learn more about homepage conversion rate optimization best practices!

2. Use a clear and simple design that is easy to navigate.

It’s a CRO best practice to reduce any potential frustration by making it easy for users to find what they’re looking for – don’t make it a maze! A visually appealing and simple web design not only helps users find their desired conversion funnel but makes them feel good while doing so. Stick to these rules: 

  • Make sure the layout of your site is intuitive and easy to follow.
  • Use a consistent color scheme and typography throughout the site.
  • Keep the concept of visual hierarchy in mind to ensure your most important elements are communicated to users appropriately. 

Rover offers a clean, simple, and intuitive navigation design:

Rover main navigation design

3. Use persuasive and compelling language throughout the site.

We all understand the value of persuasion in increasing conversion, but implementing it is a different story. Tell users exactly what their next step should be – click, register, shop – and why they should do it – for a free demo, to receive more information. Don’t make them think any harder than they need to! Follow these tips:

  • Use action-oriented and benefit-driven language throughout the site.
  • Use persuasive techniques like scarcity and urgency in your messaging.
  • Try out different versions of your messaging to see which ones perform best.

4. Use social proof, such as customer testimonials and trust badges.

Consumers rarely want to be the guinea pig. The first thing we all do when discovering a new product is conduct our due diligence – How many people have tried it? How did they like it? How reputable are these reviewers? And so on. With CRO best practices in mind, be sure to: 

  • Gather testimonials from satisfied customers and prominently display them on the site.
  • Use trust badges from well-known organizations to build credibility.
  • Test different types of social proof, and different display practices, to see which ones are most effective.

Notion displays its social proof right below the fold on their homepage: 

Notion landing page social proof

5. Make sure the website loads quickly and is optimized for all devices.

These days, it’s safe to say that most of us are navigating the world wide web on our handy mobile devices. If the majority of your users are mobile, what good would a fully optimized desktop experience do, with a forgotten and lacking mobile experience? If users land on a glitchy, non-responsive mobile site, they’ll likely bounce and click the next search result without a second thought. Same idea with load speed. Be sure to: 

  • Use tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights to identify areas for improvement.
  • Optimize images and other large files to reduce loading times.
  • Gather user engagement data to identify where you can reduce unnecessary files or dynamic, heavy elements. 

Learn more about when to run an A/B test, and the most efficient way to run A/B tests

6. Use A/B testing to constantly improve your website’s design and messaging.

Us marketers love our A/B testing – and for good reason. If you’re able to try new design ideas that result in real-time, statistically significant user behavior data, you absolutely should. Your competitors will! Keep up with them and: 

  • Use tools like Google Optimize to run A/B tests on different elements of your site.
  • Test different versions of headlines, calls-to-action, and other key elements or design elements.
  • Continuously analyze the results of your tests and make changes accordingly.

7. Use clear and prominent calls-to-action (CTAs) throughout the site.

Nothing (aka not a lot) beats simplicity. Especially in a world of constant information exposure and an unlimited number of options at every turn. Hook your users with concise, but descriptive language – don’t overwhelm them with too much, too fast. Let them get their feet wet in your brand’s products/services through headings, call-to-action banners, or simple graphics. Always: 

  • Use action-oriented language in your CTAs.
  • Make sure your CTAs stand out visually and are prominently placed.
  • Test different versions of your CTAs to see which ones perform best.

Rover includes prominent CTAs on each service page: 

Rover service page CTAs

8. Make sure the checkout process is as simple and seamless as possible.

Users are never fully committed until they’ve fully committed. With that in mind, your site has to be a smooth ride from start to finish – especially the part where they hand over some of their most important information. Another CRO best practice is to help them through the finish line with these items:

  • Keep the number of form fields to a minimum.
  • Use progress indicators to let customers know how far along they are in the process.
  • Display trust signals specific to your checkout method, such as a Secure Checkout badge for money purchases. 

Dominos does this particularly well:

Dominoes checkout page 1

Dominoes checkout page 2

9. Use retargeting to bring back visitors who have abandoned their carts.

As I said, they’re never fully committed until they’ve hit that bright blue ‘Checkout’ button. If they abandon their cart, this means they were almost convinced, but they may need an extra push. If this seems to happen often, you can: 

  • Use tools like Google AdWords to target ads to people who have abandoned their carts.
  • Use retargeting ads to remind customers of what they left behind.
  • Test different versions of your retargeting ads to see which ones perform best.

10. Continuously analyze and track your website’s performance using tools like Google Analytics.

As they say, marketing is a long game. Supply, demand, and competitors will never cease – so why should you? Continue your conversion efforts with the following CRO best practices:

  • Use Google Analytics to track key metrics like bounce rate, conversion rate, and revenue.
  • Use goals and funnels to track progress through the customer journey.
  • Perform quarterly goal auditing to ensure your goals and events are being tracked properly. 

Final Words: CRO Best Practices

Well, we’ve come to the end of our discussion on conversion rate optimization (for now). I hope you’ve found this blog helpful in understanding the importance of CRO best practices and how they can help increase your bottom-line, improve the user experience of your website, and provide valuable customer insights that can be used by all marketing verticals. Remember, the key to successful CRO is to constantly test, iterate, and improve. Don’t be afraid to try new things and take calculated risks to see what works best for your website and your audience. With the right approach and mindset, you can unlock a wealth of opportunities for growth and success. So go ahead and start optimizing your conversion rates today, and watch your business soar to new heights!

Learn more about Go Fish Digital’s CRO services today.

10 CRO Best Practices for Your Website is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

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How To Improve eCommerce Conversion Rates Wed, 28 Apr 2021 14:00:34 +0000 In the eCommerce space, sales mean everything. You can do everything right to drive traffic to your website through advertising, SEO efforts, or posting a funny cat video on social media that leads people to your site. None of that traffic matters if no one is buying your products.    Sales mean everything for eCommerce […]

How To Improve eCommerce Conversion Rates is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

In the eCommerce space, sales mean everything. You can do everything right to drive traffic to your website through advertising, SEO efforts, or posting a funny cat video on social media that leads people to your site. None of that traffic matters if no one is buying your products. 


Sales mean everything for eCommerce sites


This is where conversion rate optimization services are important. Converting general traffic into consumers is of the utmost importance. Tracking how many site visitors make a transaction and testing out changes to your website will help you build a store that becomes a money-making machine.

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This guide provides you with the ten best tips that you can use to improve your online store’s conversion rate, which will lead to more money in your pockets. Let’s dive in.


Table of Contents:

  1. What is eCommerce Conversion Rate?
  2. How Do You Find Your Site’s Conversion Rate?
  3. What Is The Average Conversion Rate For eCommerce?
  4. What is a Good Conversion Rate?
  5. Tools For eCommerce Conversion Rate Optimization
  6. 10 Tips To Increase Your Conversion Rate
  7. Final Notes


What is eCommerce Conversion Rate? 


eCommerce conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to your website who have made a purchase from your online store within a set period of time. In short, it is the percentage of visitors that turn into a customer.


Here is a quick example: If your online store receives 10,000 visitors and 100 conversions over the same amount of time, that means your store’s conversion rate is 1%.


A conversion occurs when you get a visitor to take action on your site, which means conversions can be more than just sales. 


An eCommerce conversion can be:

  1. A sale of a product
  2. Signups for newsletters or memberships
  3. Adding products to the cart or wishlist
  4. Social media shares from your site


Now that you know what it means, let’s discuss how to improve your eCommerce conversion rate. Tracking this information can help you find where you could improve your store to lead more site visitors to become consumers.


How Do You Find Your Site’s eCommerce Conversion Rate?


To find your conversion rate manually, divide the number of conversions by the total number of visitors to your site during the same time. 


You can also set up goals within Google Analytics to track your conversion rate.

  • If you are using a Universal Analytics property, you can use this guide.
  • If you are using a GA4 property, you can use this guide. 


Once you have your goals set up, you can find the conversion rate for the specific action within Google Analytics and begin tracking your rate over time. Then, when you get a good conversion rate for your site, you can jump up from your desk and scream, “Booyah!” Or sit back and watch your revenue increase over time. The choice is yours.


What Is The Average Conversion Rate For eCommerce?


So, now that you’ve figured out your current eCommerce conversion rate using the great information from the previous section, I bet you are asking yourself, “How does my conversion rate compare to other eCommerce conversion rates?” 


The average conversion rate for eCommerce sites around the world was 2.86% in 2020. The average conversion rate for the U.S. was 2.63% during that same period.(1)


When discussing eCommerce data, I like to remind owners that no two stores are the same. You could use the average conversion percentage across all eCommerce sites as a general guide for what to aim for, but it would also benefit you to focus on your industry’s specific rate.


According to Growcode, the average conversion rate ranges from 0.99% to 3.79% for the most popular industries in the eCommerce industry.

Ecommerce Conversion Rate by Industry

This graph, based on data from IRP Commerce, shows recent conversion rates across a range of markets. Average conversion by industry: Sports and Recreation: 1.75%; Arts and Crafts: 3.79%; Baby and Child: 0.99%; Cars and Motorcycling: 1.55%; Electrical and Commercial Equipment: 2.23%; Fashion Clothing and Accessories: 2.44%; Food and Drink: 2.37%; Health and Wellbeing: 3.62%; Home Accessories and Giftware: 2.16%; Kitchen and Home Appliances: 2.48%; Pet Care: 3.28%; (2)


What is a Good Conversion Rate?


That is a great question, and the answer is: it varies. Some industries strive for conversion rates in the 30% range while others are pleased with 2%. 


The key is to locate your industry’s average rate and benchmark your performance against it. Start by researching what your industry average is for conversion rates via a quick Google search. This will help you to understand what range you should set your target rate within. To have a good conversion rate, you want to set your target above the industry average, aiming for the upper 25 percent. Being par for the course is not considered good for an eCommerce conversion rate. 


If you find that your site’s conversion rate is at or below the industry average, don’t fret. The ten tips in this article can help you improve your rate and land more sales.


Tools For eCommerce Conversion Rate Optimization


Before we go any further, I wanted to give you a list of tools to help you with your Conversion Rate Optimization. There are several programs and websites that you can use to help you locate some of your current conversion pain points. The following analysis tools should be on your radar while working on conversion rate optimization. 


Google Analytics 360 Suite

Compared to the regular version of Google Analytics, the 360 Suite gives you greater details for you to track every step of your conversion process through event measurements, such as clicks on your CTA buttons. 


When using the 360 suite, you are no longer limited to tracking conversions based on URLs. You can measure the difference between CTA button clicks and completed conversions. Your data is also updated every 10 minutes instead of every 24 hours with regular Google Analytics. Further, you can create custom funnels to analyze your customer’s journeys more accurately. 



hotjar is a fast and visual way to understand your users more and make any changes necessary based on what is important to the user. This web-based software provides instant visual feedback, and you can see how people are using your site to make changes accordingly. There is a big difference between how you expect people to use your website and how they actually use it based on their needs. To help you understand these differences, hotjar uses heat maps to show you what your customers want, care about, and do on your site based on their visit patterns.



Shoppimon is a secret shopper tool for eCommerce conversion optimization that monitors, tests, and analyzes issues relating to your eCommerce website that can hinder the user experience and negatively impact your conversions.

These issues can include but are not limited to responsiveness, visuals not loading, broken links, server issues, site crashes, payment gateway issues, and much more.



VWO is a platform for eCommerce conversion optimization that provides solutions for visitors to research, design optimization roadmap, run A/B testing and experimentation with their eCommerce platform.


10 Tips To Increase Your Conversion Rate


1. Give Customers Confidence In Your Site


“Look good, feel good, do good.” 


That is my personal motto that I have used for over a decade when approaching big presentations. I usually get dressed up for presentations and have a hearty breakfast, so I tell myself that I look good and I feel good; therefore, I will do good!

You can also use this motto for your website. If your eCommerce site looks good and feels good to the customer, then it will do good things for your business. 


How to make sure your website looks good:

  1. Use a small number of fonts that are easy to read.
  2. High-quality images are a must.
  3. Your website should load quickly.
  4. Use colors that are easy to read and ADA compliant.
  5. Clean is usually better than clutter.


When a website looks mediocre or has a poor user experience, the customer is not likely to stick around, which is why many eCommerce websites struggle with their conversion rate.


This leads me to my next tip.



2. Product Authenticity Helps Build Customer Loyalty


Returning visitors are far more likely to purchase your product. You need to build trust with your customers when they come to your website to encourage them to view your product or service. 

Social media is a great way to boost your eCommerce presence, but it can also be incredibly harmful. If your products or services you deliver to the consumer are not the same as what you have listed on your website, you will lose trust and brand loyalty.


As an eCommerce business, it becomes your responsibility to ensure that authentic products are delivered to the customers. Authenticity will build your eCommerce reliability and trustworthiness, a significant aspect that consumers consider while shopping online.

If previous consumers are happy with what they received, they are likely to tell others via word-of-mouth or social media. 


Helpful Hint: You can use their posts to showcase your product on your website. 


Letting others provide authentic positive feedback is a sure way to improve your eCommerce conversion rate. 



3. Use descriptive Call-To-Actions (CTAs)


Click Here” does not give a customer any reason why they should follow your call to action. 


Why should I click there? What purpose is there to click there? What happens when I click there? 


Your call to action should be informative and conversational. You should read the call to action without any other context and know what will happen when you click the button. 

Take the following CTAs for example:

  • “Check Out Our Fall Collection”
  • “Enjoy Our Monthly Newsletter”
  • “Let’s Go To Checkout”


Without any other information, you can understand where each of these CTAs will take you. They also sound like a friend that is talking with you instead of a robot spitting out commands. Users want to feel like they are being guided on a journey and not simply told what to do.


If you clicked on the link at the beginning of this tip, I just have to ask, why did you click there? Feel free to answer that question in the comments below.



4. Make it simple to check out


Simplicity can make a big difference for eCommerce sites. If you want visitors to purchase your products, you need to have a simple and obvious check-out process. 


Here are a few things to consider when simplifying your check out process:

  1. Remove surveys from the checkout flow. Surveys are a great way to gain insight from your visitors, but it derails them from making a purchase. Save surveys for the thank you email or the purchase confirmation page.
  2. Make sure you can always view your cart from anywhere on your website. 
  3. Remove as many clicks as possible from your checkout process. The fewer clicks it takes to purchase an item, the more likely a customer will finish the purchase.



5. Run A/B Tests often


A/B testing (also known as split testing) is a method of comparing two different versions of a webpage against each other to determine which one performs better. This allows you to continuously test different versions of your website to see which drives more visitors to your chosen destination. 


Major online retailers are constantly running A/B tests on their websites, whether you realize it or not. These tests can be significant design configurations like changing the homepage structure (which would be very noticeable). It can be a minor change like switching the color of the checkout icon from white to light grey. 


There are several tools that you can use to manage A/B testing and view the results. Before diving into A/B testing, you may want to learn more about when you should run an A/B test and how to set up an A/B test.



6. Free Shipping is mandatory in present-day eCommerce


Gone are the days of including a fee for shipping. You will see cart abandonment decrease sharply by having free shipping as an option (whether for all purchases or limited to purchases above a specific value). eCommerce sites that still have consumers paying for shipping see higher numbers of cart abandonment because it raises the total price higher than they were expecting. 


Look for ways to include the price of shipping in your product pricing. You can also offer deals for visitors to obtain free shipping by signing up for your newsletter or sharing your site on social media, etc.



7. Be Transparent, Not Scammy


The fastest way to lose a potential consumer is to make them feel uneasy on your site. Creating an air of transparency where they feel comfortable can help increase your conversion rate. 


Here are a few ways to be transparent with the consumer:

  1. Include important shipping information on the product page. If there is a long lead time, tell the consumer why the lead time is that long.
  2. Use product images that depict the actual product you are selling. 
  3. Include a thorough description of the product on the product page. 
  4. Include an “About Us” page on your website that lets visitors know your business on a more personal level. You do not need to include personal information, but understanding how the company got started and why it is in business helps consumers feel more comfortable.
  5. Offering deals or price reductions on products can be useful, but avoid reducing every price on your website. This makes the consumer feel like your product is sub-par. 



8. Payment Security Is A Top Priority


Have you ever gone to checkout on a website and not feel secure in the process they used? Did you provide your credit card information or leave the site?


Most consumers will leave a cart full if they don’t feel safe providing their banking information.


Providing credibility and security to your payment process is a great way to increase your conversion rate. Be sure to showcase your Information Privacy Policy, provide trustworthy payment options like PayPal, have virus and hacking protection software, install an SSL certificate, etc.



9. Offer Incentives to Increase Time on Your Site


Consumers always appreciate a good deal and can be persuaded to stay on your site if they receive one. Providing a coupon or a special offer to your visitors has been proven to influence their purchase intention. Including seasonal discounts or one-time deals encourages the consumer to continue browsing your site. The longer a visitor remains on your site, the more likely they are to purchase an item.


You can also create contests that require user participation in buying a minimum amount of products to stand a chance of winning a unique product.



10. Optimize for Organic Traffic from Keywords with High User Intent


Not all traffic to your site is equal. Optimizing your search results to target keywords that have shown a high intent to purchase your product will increase your conversion rate.

Targeting specific traffic to your site ensures that you have visitors that want to see your products. If they want to see your product or service, then they are likely to purchase them.


If you are looking to optimize your eCommerce website for search engines, here are some guides you can follow:

Final Notes


After using these ten tips and running numerous tests on your site, you should begin to see your eCommerce conversion rate increase and purchases start flooding in. Large corporations are constantly testing out changes to their site to improve their rates continuously. This is a telling sign that it takes time and effort to improve your website’s conversions, even by a little bit.

At Go Fish Digital, we offer Conversion Rate Optimization services to our clients who want to increase conversion rates. If you would like to have a good conversion rate, you can contact us to learn more about how we can help.





How To Improve eCommerce Conversion Rates is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

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How To Improve Your Homepage’s Conversion Rate Thu, 08 Apr 2021 14:00:45 +0000 The homepage is often the most visited page on a website, which makes it highly important for both new and returning users. Homepages are a company’s chance to make a good first impression on new users and provide everyone who lands on your site with the information they are looking for. If you are exploring […]

How To Improve Your Homepage’s Conversion Rate is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

The homepage is often the most visited page on a website, which makes it highly important for both new and returning users. Homepages are a company’s chance to make a good first impression on new users and provide everyone who lands on your site with the information they are looking for.

If you are exploring opportunities for conversion rate optimization (CRO) on your site, it’s a good idea to start with your homepage. With the user’s experience top of mind, there are a variety of ways you can ensure that you are making a good first impression and providing your audience with the information and calls to action they need to further engage and convert on your site. Continue reading for five actionable ways you can improve your homepage.

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Five tips to build a homepage that converts users 

1. Put your most valuable call to action front and center.

Ask yourself – when a user lands on your site, what do you want them to do? Whether it’s purchasing a product, requesting a demo, making a reservation, or creating an account, call out this next step front and center in your homepage hero. You want to ensure that this call to action aligns with your primary business goals, as it will be one of the most visible calls to action on your site. Keep the text on your call to action straightforward to let the user know exactly what they should do next if they want to continue to engage with your site.

2. Add a clear call to action in your main navigation. 

Your main navigation should tell a clear story about the structure of your site and give the user an opportunity to browse based on what interests them. It should also offer a call to action that’s distinct in design from the rest of the navigation labels. This call to action can use the same or different offer from the homepage hero depending on your goals. This call to action will follow the user around the site, so it should be actionable and relevant no matter what page the user is on. Common calls to action for this placement would include a lower-funnel goal like Contact Us, Get My Free Trial, Checkout, or Sign Up. It’s also a good idea to consider keeping this call to action sticky on your mobile site’s header.

3. Offer multiple calls to action throughout the rest of the page. 

Ideally, you already have your most important calls to action above the fold. But, a user may interact with the page more before they are ready to convert. As the user continues to scroll down your homepage, offer natural opportunities to engage or go deeper into the site. Add a link, button or opportunity for a user to engage with you at each section of your homepage. For example, list all of your primary offerings on your homepage with links to dedicated internal pages that include more detail. Or, create a section that features your latest blog posts for users to read. Whatever you provide, give your audience ample opportunity to learn more about your service or product so they can make the most informed decision.

4. Offer social proof and trust signals early and often.

Users are much more likely to engage with your site if they trust you. As the most visible page of your site, your homepage needs to build trust to ensure users feel comfortable clicking and engaging with your calls to action. Two ways to do that are through social proof and trust signals. There are many ways to add social proof to your page including testimonials, reviews, and quantitative metrics about your product or services. Use as many of these as you can throughout your page, as they will work together to establish trust with your user. Trust signals can include items like logos of partners or associations of your business, awards you’ve won, or visual representations of your products or services. Each of these additions will strengthen your homepage and improve the first impression you leave on users.

5. Keep a final call to action opportunity at the bottom of your page. 

If a user has taken the time to scroll through your entire homepage, make sure you provide them with an opportunity to engage with you at the bottom, just as you did on the top. You can include the same call to action you used in your hero as a button in the footer, for easy access. It’s also great to add an email submission sign up. For users that aren’t willing to commit to a lower-funnel call to action, this can be an easy, low-risk way for them to stay in touch. Usually, they only have to provide one piece of information and you gain the ability to interact with them through email and retargeting campaigns. This builds a great funnel to keep users coming back to your site to convert on future visits.

If you need more help improving your homepage, reach out to our conversion rate optimization agency to learn how we can help!

How To Improve Your Homepage’s Conversion Rate is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

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